Top Doctors in Fort Myers Florida

For those who have never experienced the beauty of Fort Myers, Florida, it may be hard to fathom how such a small, unassuming town can provide such a large number of excellent doctors. But that is exactly what is true. From a family doctor to cosmetic surgeons and orthopedic specialists, Fort Myers is home to some of the best physicians and hospitals in the world, and the numbers continue to increase.

The top doctor in Fort Myers Florida is Dr. David Cappuccio, who has been in practice for thirty-five years. He performs hip replacements, cardiothoracic surgeries, gallbladder extractions, and heart operations. In addition to his practice in Fort Myers, Dr. Cappuccio is also an attending physician at the University of Miami. The rest of the top Fort Myers doctor has more experience than Dr. Cappuccio, but each of them provides high quality care to patients across the country.

The next physician on the list is Dr. Robert Beecher. In a career that has spanned over thirty years, Dr. Beecher has performed thousands of surgeries on patients from all walks of life. A native of New Jersey, Dr. Beecher received a degree in chemistry from Princeton and then went on to receive a master’s degree in medicine from Harvard. A specialist in general surgery, Dr. Beecher has served on many national boards of medical ethics and professionalism. Most recently, he was appointed to the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons by the board’s president, Dr. William J. Feliciano. Dr. Beecher’s practice focuses on cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery, and orthopedic surgery.

Dr. David Beckham joined the field of dermatology in the nineteen eighties. Since then, he has performed hundreds of reconstructive procedures on patients from all over the United States. Among his most notable accomplishments are working on a television show and making history in the plastic surgery world with a one-of-a-kind procedure. The procedure involved the removal of part of a patient’s face to create a completely new face. It is said that this is the first time that a face transplant has been performed in America. In addition to his work with the news media, Dr. Beckham works as a consultant for cosmetic surgeons throughout the United States. He is also an active member of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The third physician listed on the Fort Myers Top Doctor is Dr. Frank Ruggiero. A specialist in the field of orthopedic surgery, Dr. Ruggiero performs reconstructive surgery on both children and adults. He has made his reputation in the field by performing a very popular procedure known as “reconstruction foot surgery,” which involves taking a child’s damaged foot and restoring it to its natural state using a prosthetic or synthetic bone. He also does work involving the ankle, shoulder, knee, and lower back. Dr. Ruggiero practices at the university hospital in Fort Myers and is a board-certified radiologist.

The fourth physician on the list of Fort Myers Top Doctor is Dr. Steven Reamer, a pediatric surgeon. In addition to working at a local hospital, Dr. Reamer is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado at Denver. His practice includes pediatric radiology and orthopedic surgery, including arthroscopy and other surgical procedures.

Farahmand Plastic Surgery
12411 Brantley Commons Ct
Fort Myers, FL 33907
(239) 332-2388