The Benefits of Smart Thermostats

In a world where pretty much any electrical appliance in your home can be controlled remotely from your mobile phone, a smart thermostat is one of the most beneficial piece of home technology it is possible to install.

Smart thermostats have completely revolutionised the way that we control our home heating, saving us a tremendous amount of time and money when used correctly.

In this blog we will examine some of the main benefits of smart thermostat installation.

heating system
floor heating system, the collector, the battery

Increased energy efficiency

One of the driving forces behind the development of smart thermostats was a desire to increase energy efficiency and you can use them to optimise your home energy usage.

Once your thermostat has learned your heating preferences they will automatically adjust accordingly, creating a schedule that will keep you comfortable all year long whilst minimising your energy bill spend.

It is estimated that smart thermostat installation can save you as much as 15% on your annual energy bills.

Come home to warmth

Coming home on a cold winters day should provide you with welcome rest-bite from the freezing temperatures outside. The last thing that you need is to be left shivering on the sofa whilst you wait for your heating to kick into action because you forgot to set your thermostat before you left.

With a smart thermostat this isn’t an issue, simply adjust the temperature of your home on the move using your start device and ensure that you or anyone else visiting your home arrives to a cosy and comfortable environment.

This technology is perfect for those who work unpredictable hours and never know when they might be coming or going.

Create Heating Zones

A smart thermostat will allow you to set different temperatures in different areas at different times of the day, ensuring that heat isn’t wasted on making a room toasty warm when no-one is using it.

You might want your home office warm in the day, your living room in the evening, and your bedroom at night. With a smart thermostat installed this is no problems. Comfort where you want it and when you want it all day long.

Reduced carbon footprint

As discussed, smart thermostat save you money by reducing energy expenditure. It is not only your wallet that will thank you for keeping wasted heat to a minimum, the planet will as well.

The less heat you use, the less money you spend and the lower your carbon footprint will be. Save money and the world at the same time with one simple piece of technology? Sign me up.

Identify heating issues

Another reason that a smart thermostat is so good is that many models allow you to check on the current status of your heating system from afar. If you find your heat not working when you check it on your phone you will be able to plan in advance for coming home to a potential boiler breakdown and arrange for a professional engineer to come and take a look.